Reflections on education as a form of emancipation, construction and liberation of the subject

Uma análise do conceito de autonomia de Paulo Freire com o processo de feminização do magistério


  • Mayra Silva dos Santos Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Feminization; Teaching; Autonomy


The book Pedagogia da Autonomia by Paulo Freire brings with it reflections on education as a form of emancipation, construction and liberation of the subject. Thus, taking as a starting point Freyre’s statement about the emancipating and liberating power of education, this work aims to articulate the concept of autonomy in his book Pedagogia da Autonomia with the historical, social and cultural process called feminization of teaching. We will relate the ideas of Paulo Freire (2022) with the social, political and economic changes that he attributed to women, his majority presence in the teaching profession. The research is of the bibliographic type. In an analytical and descriptive perspective, we use Almeida (1998), Louro (2004), Rosa (2011), Yannoulas (2013) and Oliveira (2017) among other authors who discuss the theme of feminization of the teaching profession and especially the work Pedagogia of the Autonomy of the educator, Paulo Freire (2002). We affirm that the feminization of the teaching profession represented a potential for life, power, liberation and autonomy for women, considering that the genesis of education in Brazil was made through impositions of dominant groups for dominated ones, propagating ideals and roles that should be performed by certain groups in the social environment.



How to Cite

Santos, . M. S. dos. (2022). Reflections on education as a form of emancipation, construction and liberation of the subject: Uma análise do conceito de autonomia de Paulo Freire com o processo de feminização do magistério. Saber &Amp; Educar, 31(2).