Art in early childhood education

mediation, experience and sensitivity


  • Roberta Alene Costa Oliveira Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS)
  • Patrícia Stecca Reis de Andrade Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS)
  • Marta Regina Paulo da Silva Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS)



Arte. Creche. Prática Pedagógica. Formação docente


This article presents an experience report on artistic practices developed with children aged three (3) to four (4) years in a municipal daycare center in Santo André/SP, whose main objective is to reflect on artistic approaches that transcend mechanical reproduction, promoting meaningful and enriching experiences for children. The article discusses the importance of art in the processes of child development and learning, highlighting its role in promoting curiosity, creativity, sensitivity and critical thinking. The report shares practices carried out with children, encompassing exploration and creation from different materials and supports, the appreciation of artistic productions and activities related to indigenous themes. It also emphasizes experiences in outdoor areas and in contact with nature. The study dialogues with theoretical references in ​​childhood and art. The results indicate greater involvement and participation of children in these activities, as well as behavioral changes, such as greater respect and care for the productions of their peers. The organization of environments and proposals are essential to ensure that artistic experiences are integrated holistically into the daycare routine, contributing to learning that values ​​and enhances all dimensions of child development. Thus, it is evident that the creation of environments that are favorable to artistic exploration and expression requires the presence of sensitive and qualified educators, whose own aesthetic training should be prioritized. Therefore, it is concluded that well-structured artistic practices have a profound and multifaceted impact on the integral development of children. These practices not only stimulate inventiveness and personal expression, but also promote social, cognitive and emotional skills. Thus, it becomes evident the importance of investing in the continuous training of educators, training them as effective mediators of experiences such as those presented in this article.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, R. A. C., Andrade, P. S. R. de ., & Silva, M. R. P. da. (2024). Art in early childhood education: mediation, experience and sensitivity. Saber &Amp; Educar, 33.


