O Paulo Freire's legacy facing the age of disinformation


  • Marina Maria Soares Silva Universidade do Minho - Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS)




Paulo Freire, Fake news


This paper seeks to go through reflections proposed in the works of the educator and philosopher Paulo Freire and relate them to the problem of disinfor- mation. Disinformation and post-truth, in turn, consist in complex and harmful phenomena, which culminate in the deterioration of plural dialogues, the distortion of reality, and, consequently, the im- prisonment of ideas based on lies. That is why the legacy of Paulo Freire’s work sheds light on this wor- rying scenario. The patron of Brazilian education contributed strongly to the thought of an education for freedom that prioritizes critical and emancipa- tory teaching. Based on these principles, this work sought to use the educator’s works to emphasize the importance of critical and emancipatory teaching in the scenario of disinformation.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. M. S. (2022). O Paulo Freire’s legacy facing the age of disinformation. Saber &Amp; Educar, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.25767/se.v30i2.29516