A Look at Paulo Freire


  • Ivone Neves Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti




Banking education; problematizing education; dialogic relationship


Paulo Freire is an undisputed reference in the field of education, leaving us a legacy of inspiring principles and teachings of transformative and emancipatory educational practices for educators, children, and young people. Hence, this article presents a reflection, inspired by two Freirian works (Pedagogy of Autonomy and Pedagogy of the Oppressed) that confront us with a source of strategies and principles that envision a liberating education, a problematizing educator, in order to allow and "help the student to become the architect of his own cognitive practice” (Freire, 1997, p.140). It also highlights the importance and need of educational practices and experiences anchored in a dialogue culture for the modern society, which promote the development of critical thinking, autonomy and empowerment of all social actors involved.

Author Biography

Ivone Neves, Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti

Professora adjunta da ESEPF e Investigadora do CIIPAF e CeiED


Freire, Paulo. (1975). Pedagogia do oprimido. Porto: Afrontamento.

Freire, Paulo. (1997). Pedagogia da autonomia. S. Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra.

Nóvoa, A. (1996). Eu pedagogo me confesso. Diálogos com Rui Grácio. Revista Inovação, 14, (12),1-23.

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UNESCO (2022). Reimaginar nossos futuros juntos: um novo contrato social para a educação. Comissão Internacional sobre os Futuros da Educação. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000381115



How to Cite

Neves, I. (2022). A Look at Paulo Freire. Saber &Amp; Educar, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.25767/se.v30i2.29372

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