Legacy and validity of the pedagogical thought of Paulo Freire for the commitments of the educational task of the 21st century


  • María Jesús Víton Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Paulo Freire, pedagogical thought, ethical-politic commitment, UNESCO 2022


The educational life of Paulo Freire and his pedagogical thought not only constitute a historical legacy of the 20th century, but also leave an invaluable inspiration to make ours the challenges that UNESCO (2022) places in order to give answers to the necessary transformations in this advance of the 21st century. Its ethical-political commitment to make the common and public educational good continues to be an exercise of shared responsibility for all —given a context of growing inequities and deepening of training practices that reproduce a dehumanizing and predatory mechanistic order of life. In this complex framework, his hopeful look and transforming way of doing are an invitation to re-imagine education for a sustainable and peaceful future together, as UNESCO proposes. It is about making real the possibility of a dialogical pedagogy with which to concretize processes of regenerative democratization of a healthy educational life. Life that enhances autonomy, taking care for the common goods that make sense of and guide its learning dynamics on the sustainable basis of solidary creative critical training.

Author Biography

María Jesús Víton, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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How to Cite

Víton, M. J. (2022). Legacy and validity of the pedagogical thought of Paulo Freire for the commitments of the educational task of the 21st century. Saber &Amp; Educar, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.25767/se.v30i2.29339