
Global Education, Development Cooperation and Education in Emergency Situations: trends, challenges and alternatives


This thematic issue welcomes contributions from academics, educators, actors and cooperation agents interested in reflecting on and deepening education and cooperation as social justice. Works in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish will be considered on the following topics:

¾ Relationship between education, cooperation and development in light of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda;

¾ Education cooperation practices in development and emergency contexts, such as the presentation, analysis and results of cooperation and education projects and programs in emergency situations;

¾ The field of education in emergencies and the challenges of preparing educational responses in contexts of emergencies and prolonged crises, with special relevance for displaced populations and refugees;

¾ Analysis of the triple nexus in education projects and programs: Emergency, Development and Peacebuilding (EDP);

¾ Coherence of development cooperation policies, focusing on education and training;

¾ Global Education Perspectives and their relevance for advocacy in favor of the Education for Sustainable Development agenda (SDG 4, Target 4.7).

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Current Issue

Vol. 33 No. Geral (Em progresso) (2024)
Published: 2024-04-23
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 Saber & Educar is an online journal with open access to original and peer-reviewed articles in the area of Educational Sciences.The journal accepts the submission in continuous time on empirically sustained research or texts of innovative theoretical reflection that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in themes related to the area of Education. In addition to the manuscripts submitted individually, SE launches Thematic calls.